Open Data


Judicial Datasets

As part of the DigData Energy Challenge, MFK made available judical data collected by Kosovo Judicial Council, Kosovo Prosecutorial Council and the Agency for Free Legal Aid. These datasets are available on the Kosovo Judicial Council’s website.


Energy Datasets

As part of the DigData Energy Challenge, MFK made available energy data collected by Kosovo institutions. These datasets are available on the Energy Regulatory Office’s website.


Air Quality Datasets

As part of the DigData Air Quality Challenge, MFK made available air quality and environmental data collected by Kosovo governmental institutions, namely…..


District Heat Metering Baseline – 1,194 households

This dataset includes responses from households connected to Termokos Prishtina district heating. The dataset is representative of Prishtina households connected to Termokos, and it captures their demographic information, energy consumption patterns, behaviors and overall energy saving attitudes.


Energy Efficiency Household Baseline Dataset – 2000 households

This dataset depicts the current situation of the housing stock in Kosovo with special emphasis on energy-related matters, including but not limited to typology and construction characteristics, legal and ownership background, energy consumption as well as environmental, behavior change and gender issues. The data were gathered for the purposes of the Subsidies for Energy Efficiency in Kosovo (SEEK) activity.


Labor Force & Time Use Survey (LFTUS) – 8,533 households

LFTUS was designed to answer nine research questions concerning Kosovo labor indicators: labor force participation, job seeking behavior, time use, household decision-making, workplace discrimination, and prevalence and inhibiting factors of entrepreneurship.

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