Date: 20.12.2019

MCC Brings Expertise to Reduce Risks of Fraud and Corruption in Project Implementation

This week, MCC Anti-Fraud and Corruption team from Washington DC visited MFK to support the development of the toolkit aimed at combating fraud and corruption during the project implementation. 


During this week-long visit,  the team led by Christopher Williams, Senior Director for Anti-Fraud and Corruption, and Richard Messick, MCC Consultant for Anti-Fraud and Corruption, met with project managers within MFK in order to review and assess the potential risks identified jointly by the two teams earlier this year, as well as mitigants.


In addition, MCC had the chance to meet with key MFK stakeholders including implementing consultants and beneficiary institutions, to raise awareness on some of the most common practices of fraud and corruption, as well as discuss practical steps against these actions.  


This visit was a follow-up activity from the MFK anti-fraud and corruption team visit to Washington, in May, 2019, aiming at identifying the potential risks of fraud and corruption which might occur in any large donor-funded program. 


MFK and MCC are committed to jointly make efforts on reinforcing transparency as the projects developed within the Threshold program considers accountability a crucial driver for economic growth. MFK also aims to establish a closer cooperation with public institutions to address any potential risks of fraud and corruption, thus calling for reporting possible cases whenever they come across it.


This series of meetings will result with drafting of an action plan on the fight against fraud and corruption, which will be published on our website.


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