MFK and Termokos in the Field with Prishtina HeatSave Team
Led by Burim Hashani and Drita Desku, MFK Energy team together with the Executive Director of Termokos, Fisnik Osmani, joined the Prishtina HeatSave team today, to witness the process of new heat metering equipment installation, currently taking place in Dardania neighborhood.
“Today, we are witnessing the installation process in Dardania, and we can definitely say that the process is going very smoothly and most importantly, the citizens are very satisfied and happy about it given the importance of this investment in their quality of life.” Mr. Osmani stated upon conclusion of the visit in a few of the apartments. “So far, above 60% of Termoks customers have benefited from the investment, and we will continue with installations, with the same dynamism, throughout Prishtina.” Mr. Osmani added.
On the other hand, MFK Energy Director, Burim Hashani highlighted the importance of saving and the behavior adaptation to the new heat metering system. “Now, citizens have the opportunity to control their heat consumption, therefore it is important to start saving energy now, so that the saved thermal energy could be used by Termokos to extend its network in other Prishtina neighborhoods as well.” Mr. Hashani added.
Around 9500 apartments, customers of the District Heating Network “Termokos” in Prishtina, have already been equipped with heat meters, thermostatic valves, as well as heat cost allocators.