Monitoring & Evaluation

The Threshold program is monitored systematically, and progress is regularly reported through the Indicator Tracking Table (ITT). There are four levels of indicators that follow from the project logic framework:


– process

– output;

– outcome
– goal


Goal indicators measure economic growth and poverty reduction occurring during or after the program’s implementation. For MCC Threshold Programs, goal indicators are typically the direct measure of local income and are measured through post-threshold evaluations.


Outcome indicators measure the intermediate effects of an Activity or set of Activities and are directly related through the Project Logic to the output indicators. Output indicators directly measure Project Activities. They describe and quantify the goods and services produced directly by implementing an Activity.

Process indicators measure progress toward the completion of Project Activities. They are a precondition for achieving output indicators and a means to ascertain that the work plan is proceeding on time.


MCC has introduced common indicators for external reporting across all MCC Compacts and Thresholds. The common indicators relevant to the MFK Threshold Program are included in this M&E Plan.

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