Date: 10.08.2022


The heat meter installation phase for the customers of Termokos District Heating in Prishtina began earlier this summer (July, 2022) and will continue until November 2022. After project completion, the customers will have to purchase their own equipment-which will cost around EUR 500 per apartment.


Installation timeline for all neighborhoods in Prishtina is published on a daily basis on social media platforms, and if not available in the pre-announced schedule, all Termokos customers are encouraged to contact the installation team via their phone number 0800 99 000, in order to schedule a convenient timing for both parties. The meter installation process lasts only 30 minutes as demonstrated in this video.


Starting next year, calculation of heating costs will be performed based on consumption, and not based on the square meters.


For more detailed information regarding the installation of these equipment, citizens are encouraged to join the informative Viber Group. visit PHS Instagram Page,or Termokos FB Page.


Prishtina HeatSave is part of the District Heating Metering (DHM) Activity, which aims to support the transition of residential district heating customers from surface area-based to consumption-based billing. This project is an investment of USD 10 million, supported by MFK, MCC, and the Municipality of Prishtina.


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