Date: 19.03.2019


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In Peja, #WE brought together a record number of women

March 19, Peja


Kosovo’s Millennium Foundation was in Peja today to present a yet another informative session on the Women in Energy Scholarship Program. Through this program, 25 Kosovar women will be able to take fully scholarship funded studies at Iowa’s DMACC and other accredited colleges.


At the opening of the session, Violeta Krasniqi Rexha, MFK’s Social and Gender Inclusion Specialist, presented the MFK approach to reducing gender inequality in the energy sector through various projects foreseen in the program. The Women in Energy Scholarship program, she said, is a program that aims to support women and girls to engage and find jobs in the energy sector.


MFK’s Energy Specialist, Vigan Perani, said that the energy sector in Kosovo is growing and will need new capacities. He invited women interested in the field of energy to use this opportunity in support of their future careers.


Gresa Statovci, Scholarships and Internships Consultant at MFK, shared her personal experience as a US scholarships alumni, encouraging participating women and girls to use this opportunity for personal development as this would ensure them a successful career in Kosovo.


Statovci completed the session by presenting in detail all information related to the application process for scholarships.


The information tour is organized in cooperation with the non-governmental organization ARDA-RDA.


For more details about scholarships and application visit


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