MARCH 15, 2021

What is the problem?

While Kosovo’s primary source of energy remains lignite-fired power plants, Kosovo’s government and citizens continue to struggle with how to maximize the benefits of energy independence while minimizing costs. At present, Kosovo’s citizens experience high energy and environmental costs due to a lack of energy efficiency and energy saving measures. While the government provides information, citizens struggle to understand energy data — which is the first step toward gaining more control over their energy consumption and the bills that they pay.  Furthermore, citizens could benefit from more transparency in whether bills are being fairly collected, to say nothing of whether revenues are being put toward necessary efficiency and green improvements in Kosovo’s energy portfolio. 


The Call

Millennium Foundation Kosovo calls on open data movers, shakers and opinion-makers, start-ups, civil society, the private sector, academia, journalists, designers, technology innovators, and creative problem solvers to submit proposals that use open data to drive consumers and government to make better energy choices and combat misperceptions, so that consumers understand their rights, reduce energy consumption, and support policymakers and energy stakeholders to fulfill Kosovo’s commitments regarding energy efficiency and renewable energy.  


Solutions must use open data (energy sources generation, consumption, distribution, revenues, complaints etc.) to explain why their tool or approach is needed and incorporate open data in their solutions which will to empower Kosovo’s citizens to:


  • take constructive civic action to improve Kosovo’s fulfillment of energy efficiency and renewable energy generation goals, while maintaining the highest environmental standards and/or  
  • understand their rights, and adjust their own energy consumption, and/or
  • improve their understanding around energy supply, electricity tariffs (rates), and against energy theft (or reduction of commercial losses).

All applicants should analyze open datasets from ERO, KEEA and/or other credible, vetted open data from national and international institutions to develop creative solutions which will inform Kosovo’s citizens about Kosovo’s energy sector. Solutions must empower Kosovo’s citizens to do one or some of the following: make better energy choices, take constructive civic action to improve the understanding of their rights, and support policy makers to fulfill Kosovo’s commitments regarding revenue collection, energy efficiency and renewable energy. Solutions do not need to address all the themes in their proposal–it is better to have a focused, clear approach that only addresses one or a few themes than an overly general one attempting to address all of the themes. 

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